Nothando Khoza


Nothando Khoza
Mpumalanga Department of Health. Assistant Manager: Pharmaceutical Services

Nothando is a pharmacist with vast experience in working in public sector with great knowledge in the HIV field. As a pharmacist medicines are her game. She is currently appointed as Assistant Manager in the Mpumalanga Department of Health responsible for the Pharmacovigilance and the Central Chronic Medicine Dispensing and Distribution (CCMDD- DablapMeds) programs in the province. And pursuing her post grad in Executive Leadership (ASELPH) with University of Pretoria.

Pharmaco-vigilance and drug interactions |  Day two
Medicines are meant to cure us, but as we know no medicines are 100% safe. Monitoring of medicines in the market is key in improving the safety profile and guiding towards indications, interactions and side effects.

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