Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.
For package structures and pricing click here. To view the floorplan click here

Platinum Stand Package: R50000
10m2 with table and 2 chairs  |  30min plenary speaker  |  Includes two Full package delegates (each attendee gets 3-day delegate pass and both dinners  |  Email & web announcement  |  Primary positioning and brand exposure
Gold Stand Package: R35000 
7m2 with table and 2 chairs  |   Includes two Full package delegates (each attendee gets 3-day delegate passes and both dinners)   |   Email & web exposure
Silver Stand Package: R25000.00
4.5m2 with table and 2 chairs   |    One Full package delegate (3-day delegate pass and both dinners)   |   Email & web exposure
Bronze Stand Package: R15000.00
2.5m2 with table and 2 chairs   |   One 3-day delegate pass plus both dinners (excludes accommodation)   |   Email & web exposure
Non-attending Supporter Package: R10000.00
We will distribute your brochures and erect one pull-up banner (supplied by you) at the conference  |  We will announce your support by email to our Members, on our website, and your logo will be added to our sponsor slides at the event  |  This opportunity excludes attendance